Staring down the barrel of a 35mm

I will almost always recommend a prime lens when asked for lens recommendations. My current 'go to' prime is a Fujifilm 35mm f1.4. It's a beauty and ideal for street photography. The 35mm focal length gives you enough freedom to capture a wide range of scenes, including street portraits. I even shot a recent studio portrait session using only the 35mm 1.4.​​​​​​​

My first experience with a prime lens was a bit of a eureka moment. The lens was an old 35mm f1.7 Minolta, which transformed how I take photos—replacing the indecision and freedom of a zoom lens with simplicity and superior results.

Prime lenses have a set focal length, meaning you must use your legs to compose the photos you take. Removing the option to adjust the focal length frees up your mind to work the scene to get the best shot.

A fast prime lens with its shallow depth of focus can make even the simplest things interesting.

Prime lenses are often fast lenses. It's not uncommon for a prime to have an f1.2, f1.4, or even faster aperture. These fast apertures are ideal for street photography because they accommodate fast shutter speeds and a shallow depth of focus, isolating your subject and creating some fantastic bokeh.

So, pick up a prime if you're in the market for a new lens. You won't be sorry.

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