Look Up

London’s architecture is incredibly diverse and expanding rapidly. The city in recent years resembles something closer to a building site than a city emerging from the grip of a global recession.

I’ve spent years wandering around its streets, camera in hand, looking more like a lost tourist than a lifelong Londoner. Irritating busy commuters as I stand in the middle of the pavement, looking up at seemingly nothing.

Looking up when taking a photo is a great way to help overcome my biggest problem when it comes to photography. I struggle to see the interesting angles and subjects which so many photographers I follow on Instagram and 500px etc., seem to capture so easily. More often than not, I visit the same places repeatedly, always seeing the same photos I’ve previously taken with increasing frustration at my creative block.

So, I look up, and instantly, a wealth of exciting photos are just waiting to be captured, usually of seemingly mundane building facades that struggle to catch the eye at any other angle. Hence the bemused looks and exacerbated sighs from passersby, as they are forced to take evasive action to avoid bumping into me. Most, it would seem, love a photo but not the photographer.

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